Stronger in 60 Seconds: Upgrade Your Lunge

Lunges and other single-leg variations are great for improving size, strength and overall athletic performance.

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To increase glute and hamstring activation, lunge with a forward torso lean. It’s easy to maintain a straight back position and puts more focus on your glutes and hamstrings.

For more focus on your quads, keep an upright torso.

Shorter strides for more quad emphasis, or longer strides for more hamstrings/glutes.

Avoid hyperextending your lower back to achieve an upright torso.


Have any questions about programming?

Shoot me an email at with “PROGRAM” in the subject line!

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Deadlift Technique Tutorial

Master the Deadlift with this thorough tutorial.

  • Footwear (1:51)
  • Stance (2:08)
  • Grip (3:28)
  • Breathing/Bracing (4:51)
  • Starting Position
    • Flat-Back Technique (6:15)
    • Round-Back Technique (7:40)
  • Execution & Lockout (9:41)
  • Common Mistakes & Corrections


Want a bigger deadlift?

Shoot me an email at with “DEADLIFT” in the subject line!

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Stronger in 60 Seconds: Glute Ham Raise: Fixing the 2 Most Common Mistakes

The Glute Ham Raise (GHR) is one of my favorite lower body assistance movements for building the hamstrings.

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Start with your body in a horizontal position, toes pushed against the platform, and knees a couple inches behind the bench.

Drive your toes into the platform and curl your body up using your hamstrings. Squeeze your glutes tight, keep your abs tight and chin tucked.

Avoid breaking at the hips and arching the lower back to come up. Maintain a neutral spine — keep a straight line through your knees, hips, shoulders, and neck.

A few of my favorite ways to program these are:

3-4 sets to failure 60 seconds rest
3×5 with weight behind the head
3×5 with 5 second eccentric (can do weighted)



Looking to improve your strength training program?

Shoot me an email at with “PROGRAM” in the subject line.

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