Advanced Deadlift Tip for Increasing Speed/Strength Off the Floor

This tip is for more advanced/experienced strength sport athletes looking to lift the heaviest weights possible.

It’s been the most impactful change I’ve made to my deadlift in the past few years.

Rather than pre-loading the bar via pulling the slack out and getting extremely tight to the bar — get a tight brace, tight grip, long arms and pull your hips into the best “jumping” position.

Find your most powerful/strongest starting position — not necessarily the position where you feel tightest and the most tension to the bar.

In the video you’ll notice I have almost no tension on the bar pre-lift.

By not pulling the slack, I’m not fatiguing myself pre-lift and I’m able to get more pop off the floor.

I’m holding a tight brace, grip, my back is tight (I’m shrugging my lats down) and I have some tension in my hamstrings. As I lift — my body reactively creates tension.

If you start in too rigid of a position, you won’t get your most powerful/aggressive push off the floor. Speed is king when it comes to a big pull!


Want a bigger deadlift?

Send me an email at with “DEADLIFT” in the subject line!

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4 thoughts on “Advanced Deadlift Tip for Increasing Speed/Strength Off the Floor

  1. Pingback: The 14 Best Resources for Strength – July 2016 Edition – Smitley Performance Systems

  2. Chris Cucchiara

    I think pulling the slack out of the bar is pretty dangerous for both novice and advanced lifters. You can get the same effect by simply engaging/flexing the last instead of trying to yank the bar. It allows you to pull slack out of the bar and not gas out from trying to yank the crap out of the weight before going into a big lift.

  3. Pingback: Best Fitness Articles -- July 17, 2016

  4. Marie Lemkul

    I would agree. Every big deadlift I’ve made (especially in competition) I thought about being small and tight as possible. For better or worse I’ve never been able to pull slack out. It’s pretty much grip it and rip it. For conventional (it’s even better if you have a good bar with bend) I think it helps to get that pop before your mind even has a chance to recognize how heavy it is. By then it’s left the ground, hopefully technique takes over, with a little shit is hitting the fan attitude… Up it goes. Ta da!
    I don’t coach slack out per se. With that said my girls pull conventional. I don’t think this theory would work as well with sumo. Set up is little more technical. I’ve seen people try it. Doesn’t usually go very well.


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