Emotional State of Lifting

Emotional State of Lifting

Often people ask me why I look so calm going before I do a max lift. It is important to understand how your psychology will play an important role in the gym. Here are 3 reasons why I like to stay calm:

1) I like to think about what I have to do during each lift. I have a mental checklist I perform before I go into a lift. If I’m busy yelling, getting slapped in the face, or snorting ammonia, I get distracted from what I have to do. My focus shifts from the lift, to psyching myself up for the lift. This increases the likelihood you’ll experience a breakdown in form and miss the lift.

2) It’s taxing. When you’re psyching yourself up for lifts, it’s wasting a energy and in turn, slowing your recovery. This will leave you feeling overly fatigued after training sessions, and will eventually slow your progress.

3) Save it for when you need it. Whether you’re outwardly emotional or not, you want be able to get your adrenaline going at times, like a competition. You’ll have time after the competition to rest up and recover; so go all out, and do what you have to do to lift as much as possible. Just be careful you don’t overdo it and burn yourself out on your squats. Make sure you leave enough in the tank for bench and deadlift.


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  2. Pingback: 10 Ways to Crush It at Your First Powerlifting Meet | BONVEC STRENGTH

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